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Ernst Josephson.  Foto: Wikipedia

Svarta rosor


Säg hvarför är du så ledsen i dag,

Du, som alltid är så lustig och glad?

Och inte är jag mera ledsen i dag

Än när jag tyckes dig lustig och glad;

Ty sorgen har nattsvarta rosor.

I mitt hjerta der växer ett rosendeträd

Som aldrig nånsin vill lemna mig fred.

Och på stjelkarne sitter vid

Och det vållar mig ständigt sveda och agg;


Ty sorgen har nattsvarta rosor.

Men af rosor blir det en hel klenod,

Än hvita som döden, än röda som blod.

Det växer och växer. Jag tror jag förgår,

I hjertträdets rötter det rycker och slår;

Ty sorgen har nattsvarta rosor.


Seventeen years old (1851 - 1906), Ernst Josephson started at the Academy of Fine Arts where he studied for eight years. During his last year of studies, he was awarded the Royal Medal for his painting Sten Sture d. ä. releases Queen Christina of Denmark.



He did his art studies in Italy, France and the Netherlands, among others, and is reputed to have said at the age of 20: "I will become Sweden's Rembrandt or die."


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Josef Frank was of Jewish ancestry. His parents, merchant Ignaz (Isak) Frank (October 17, 1851 – January 27, 1921 Vienna) and the Vienna-born Jenny (September 3, 1861–10 February 1941 Vienna), were originally from Heves in Hungary. He designed his parents' grave in the old Jewish section of Vienna's Central Cemetery (Group 19, Row 58, Grave No.52).


He studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology. He then taught at the Vienna School of Arts from 1919 to 1925. He was a founding member of the Vienna Werkbund, initiator and leader of the 1932 project Werkbundsiedlung in Vienna. In 1933, he emigrated to Sweden, where he gained citizenship in 1939. He was the most prestigious designer in the Stockholm design company Svenskt Tenn (Swedish Pewter).


He remained in Sweden after 1945 despite attempts to return him to Vienna. The Vienna Circle manifesto lists three of his publications in a bibliography of closely related authors. 


Josef Frank dealt early on with public housing and housing estates. Contrary to most other architects of the interwar period in Vienna, he took the idea of settlement and not the creation of so-called super blocks in the municipal housing. He also rejected facade decor and clearly preferred functional forms. The Viennese architect and furniture designer Luigi Blue refers to him as one of his idols. In addition to his architectural work he created numerous designs for furniture, furnishings, fabrics, wallpaper and carpet. He has been a painter, as well.

Josef Frank (1885, in Baden bei Wien –1967, in Stockholm) was an Austrian-born architect, artist, and designer who adopted Swedish citizenship in the latter half of his life. Together with Oskar Strand, he created the Vienna School of Architecture, and its concept of Modern houses, housing and interiors.

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