Courtesy DJM

Courtesy DJM

Selma Lagerlöfs “Nils Holgerssons underlega resa

Courtesy DJM

År 1923 besökte Albert Einstein Sverige, inbjuden av Svante Arrhenius. Vistelsen skedde i samband med med 17:e Skandinaviska Naturforskarmötet, en stor kongress med många parallella möten som hölls i Göteborg mitt under denna stads Jubileumsutställning. Les artikkelen her.

Hagaddah 14th Century

Swimming alongside the wreck of ”Donau” in 1945.
"Summer holiday after the end of World War II. Shot by my grandfather on standard 8mm. My grandparents and my aunt took a trip from Oslo to Drøbak one idyllic summer day to swim alongside the wreckage of ''Donau'' a German transport ship sunk by Max Manus and the Norwegian resistance. It became known as the "slave ship" after the SS and Gestapo transported 540 Jews from Norway to Stettin, from which they were moved by train to Auschwitz. Only eight of those deported on the ''Donau'' survived.
The sabotage operation was conducted with 10 explosive devices known as limpets. The wreckage was salvaged 7 years later."
Ola Refsnes, published with kind permission


Victor Lind
Oslo by Night, 2000
Kartet fra andre Verdenskrig representerer avmerket hvor noen av jødene bodde før 26 oktober, 1942

My Coming to America

Leo Goldberger Denmark 1943
Art teacher Harald Isenstein